3 Drills to Reduce Hamstring Tightness for the Deadlift

3 Drills to Reduce Hamstring Tightness for the Deadlift

October 23, 2021

Are you tired of having low back pain following deadlifts? There can be a variety of reasons for low back pain after a deadlift day, but one of the reasons can be attributed to a lack of hamstring mobility.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to go off and start holding a hamstring stretch all the time or even before your lifting sessions. You won’t get too far that way. In fact, there are many studies that illustrate how static stretching isn’t even optimal for improving flexibility. Instead, a well designed lifting/loading program with a combination of mobility drills is often better than holding stretches for a long period of time.

The hamstring mobility series in the video above utilizes a variety of drills that combine techniques to address your ability to actively move through your hamstring range and calm your nervous system down to help you access even more range. Following up these drills with training can help you maintain the range of motion long term.

I hope the video helps you out in your fitness journey to lift and play sports with less pain, especially low back pain.

Cheers y’all!

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